Mamka a Lida - navsteva USA

Tady je nekolik mamky fotek z USA vyletu, tak si je uzijte :)
Some of my mom's pictures from her trip to the USA, enjoy:)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

2. den - Cleveland na prochazce (on a walk)

Tohle jsou fotky z prochazky kolem naseho baracku a kolem Case (univerzity).
These pictures are taken on a walk around our house and Case.

Domecek v Shaker Heights, "milionarska" ctvrt kousek od naseho domu (house in Shekar Hts. close to our house)

Zelene pomerance, tyhle nejsou jedly pro lidi, ale v zime na ne chodi veverky, na podzim, kdyz padaji tak je dobry jim nestat v ceste (Green Oranges, they are called something like Carolina Oranges or something, they're not edible for people but the squirrels eat them in the winter they get as big as a basball and when they fall in you don't want to be in their way...)

Dalsi domecek ze Shaker Heights (an other house from Shaker Hts.)

Horshoe jezirko u naseho domu (Horshoe lake close to our house)

Lida v prirodnim centru mezi Horshoe a Shaker jezirkem. (Lida in the Nature Center between Horshoe and Shaker Lake)

Kandske husy na jezirku (Canadian geese on the lake)

Kachny na jezirku (ducks on the lake)

Case - Universitni nemocnice (University Hospitals - Rainbow baby hospital at Case)

Case - Fakulta Bioinzenyrstvi (Bioengineering faculty at Case)

Dasa a Lida pred budovou BRB - tady pracuju v 9. patre (Dasa a Lida in front of Biomedical Research Building - this is where I work on the 9th floor)

Dasa a Lida pred vchodem do BRB (Dasa and Lida in front of the entrance to BRB)

Univerzitni nemocnice hlavni budova (Main Building of University Hospitals) Severance Hall tady hraje Cleveland Orchestra v hlavni sezone pres leto jsou v narodnim parku nebo na Public Square, kde jsme je zastihli my 5.7. ale bohuzel nam zrusili ohnostroj kvuli vetru (Severance Hall this is where Cleveland Orchestra plays in the main season, during the summer they play at Blossom in the National Park or at Public Square where we saw them on July 5 but unfortunately they cancelled the fireworks due to high winds)

Tohle je jezirko u muzea umeni na University Circle - kousek od Case (This is a little lake by Cleveland Museum of Art at University Circle - close to Case)

Botanicka zahrada - sem chodim na yogu a na vanoce jsme tu meli vanocni besidku a zranici :) . (Botanical garden - this is where I go to yoga classes, we also had our Christmas party here)

Botanicka zepredu (botanical garden from the front)

Sochy u botanky a Lida - ten cerveny flek pod stromem (Sculptures at the botanical garden and Lida - the red spot under the tree)
Kerikove sosky (Sculptures from bushes)

Dalsi sosky v University Circle (More sculptures at University Circle)
Stefanik v parku s narodnimi zahradami - kousek od botanicke zahrady (Stefanik - he was a Slovak leader - in the park with national gardens - close to the botanical garden)

Vecer jsme pak jeli pro Alana a Chiaru na stanici autobusu (In the evening, we went to pick up Alan and Chiara to the Greyhound station)

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